Command Line

IMPORTANT : "|" character has been replaced with "~" !!!

Syntax :

RadLight.exe <param>

<param> - is ONE string with certain options

<filename> - a path to video file

<subsname> - a path to subtitle file
<delay> - Delay(x) x - depends on subtitle type (frames or time)

<color> - is set in Hexadecimal RGB
<size> - ordinal WHOLE number
<charset> - see CHARSET.TXT for further info
<style> - can be 3 letters -> B -> Bold, I -> Italic, U -> Underline

WHOLE ordinal number (0 - 100) 0 -> Very top of the screen, 100 -> Very bottom of the screen

You can set the video window's position

if your video has more than 1 audio stream, you can set the starting one e.g. -> AudioStream{2}

Whole ordinal number (0 - 100)

Whole ordinal number (0 - 100)

Acceptable values are : -1 -> Fullscreen, 50 -> Zoom 50 %, 100 -> Zoom 100%, 200 -> Zoom 200%

Real number in format <> - 4 : 3 -> 1.333, 16 : 9 -> 1.778, Original -> -1, Free -> 0

Whole ordinal number (0 - 100)

Sample :

RadLight.exe Video{E:\Video\Gladiator\Gladiator 1.avi}|Subtitles{E:\Video\Gladiator\CD1.sub?Delay(-500)}|Font{Arial;$FFFFFF;18;186;B}|SubPos{95}|PanScan{20}|VertStretch{10}|Zoom{-1}|Aspect{-1.000}|Volume{75}

RadLight.exe Video{F:\Video\Ryan\Ryan2.avi}|Size{253;262;632;379}|PanScan{0}|VertStretch{0}|Zoom{0}|Aspect{1.778}|Volume{100}

Updated 31-October-2001